In most cases of a rear-end St. Louis car crash, the driver of the rear car is following too closely or driving too quickly to stop safely when the driver in front slows or stops. Even if a car in front stops quickly, the car behind should be at a reasonable distance so as to be able to stop without causing a collision. A Missouri personal injury lawyer can answer your questions about determining liability.

The state of Missouri has adopted a "rear-end doctrine," which stipulates that the driver who rear-ends another car is automatically assumed liable for the accident and resultant damages, except in instances where evidence of negligence on the part of the front car driver exists, or when the front driver behaves in such a way that the driver in the rear cannot reasonably be expected to avoid a collision.

There are also some other instances in which the driver of the car in the rear is not liable for the accident. In cases where a third vehicle forces the rear car into the front car, for instance, the third vehicle would be liable, not the rear car, who might have otherwise been driving safely and at a reasonable distance. This chain of events is a common cause of multiple-car accidents.

If you have been rear-ended or have rear-ended another motor vehicle in a St. Louis car crash, speak with a Missouri personal injury lawyer about your options and how liability will be determined for your case.

Contact a Missouri Personal Injury Lawyer

When a St. Louis car crash has a profound impact on your life, you may choose to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. With a Missouri personal injury lawyer on your side, you can feel confident knowing your case is in good hands, while you focus on your recovery and getting your life back on track. To get started with determining isf you have a viable case, contact the Missouri personal injury team at Bollwerk & Associates, LLC - 1-314-315-8111.
Jill S. Bollwerk
Helping St. Louis area residents with personal injury, workers' compensation & insurance appeals/disputes.